Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oregon Trip

We are just ending our fun Oregon Trip, Caddison and I were able to come visit my family for 11 day. We fly out tomorrow morning, early like 6 am early. I am going to be so sad to leave my family. I will be posting pictures soon of our fun trip. We did lots of SHOPPING, spending time with family and my favorite I got her pictures taken by my brother who is amazing photographer. His website is


Ashley Wray said...

Gorgeous pictures! I especially love the black and white one! What cuet girls you both are! Glad you got to visit your family, I'm sure you had a blast!

Ryan said...

Awwww shucks. I wouldnt say I'm amazing but thanks for the kind words. :)

Bagley Bunch said...

Those pictures are great!! He does nice work.

chelsie said...

Aubree - you and Caddison are gorgeous! Your brother is talented and takes great photos - what can I say? I am "wowed!" by how beautiful you two are - Cody is one lucky man!