Today was Caddison first day of 3 year old Dance class. She was so excited she could hardly wait for it to start. She did great and loved it. She had to show her two skirts. We got ready 45 minutes before class because she was so excited to finally wear her clothes. She was listening to her teacher very closely.
On Friday we had a camp out in the back yard.We told Caddy we would take her camping and but with me being 6 months pregnant, I thought the convenience of the backyard sounded wonderful. Plus we have such a huge backyard that it felt like we did camp. We had a fire in our fire pit on Friday night, with hot dogs and s'mores. Then she was so excited to sleep out side in the tent. Excited doesn't even come close to how she was all day on Friday, I should say she was jumping of the walls all day long because she couldn't wait. She wore her Apple dress to church on Sunday, and she loved it.
Today I finished my first dress ever with the fabulous help of my great friend Jennie. She is amazing with sewing and it was so much fun to hang out. I will have to get a picture of her in it this Sunday.
Caddison and I took the mommy and me swimming class again this year. She had fun.
We went down to Utah for my cousins homecoming talk and to see family. It was great it see a lot of cousins that I have not see in over 10 years. My cousin Heather's daughter and Caddy are only 6 months apart and loved playing together. Caddy with Grandpa Scott he was singing little white duck, which is know her favorite song. Caddy with Grandma Nan she loved to shop with her. Caddison has officially moved into her big girl bed. With new pink wall, we painted over her baby pink stripes. She loves it and wants to play in her room all the time. We put her crib mattress on the floor just in case she fell out of bed last night but she did great and never fell out. She tells me she is all ready for baby brother Maddox to come and sleep in her old crib. BeforeAfter