Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our 4 month old boy

Maddox turned 4 months old on Thursday. He had his check up and his weight is 12lbs 12oz. He is also 24 inches tall. He is our growing boy. He likes to try to roll over, and loves talking. He is super ticklish and loves laughing at Caddy. He is so sweet and loving. He is a great sleeper sleeping from 8:30pm to 6am and then back down til 10am. He takes great naps in the day. Overall he is perfect and he should be we waited long enough to add him to our family! We love our little "mad man"!


* Dan & Ashley * said...

Oh my heck I love that smile!! I so miss hanging out with you guys!!

Julie said...

He is growing up so fast! What a good looking boy, and what an awesome sleeper. Glad things are going so well for you guys!